
Let her go 讓她走吧/Passenger 遊唱詩人

這首歌收錄在2012 年七月發行的第四張專輯《 All The Little Lights 》,它從荷蘭開始走紅,其過程頗具傳奇性。 一位歌迷在咖啡廳裡聽見了這首歌,非常喜歡,不久便寫了封E- ...

Passenger - Let Her Go 中文歌詞翻譯

[Tyler Ward唱的cover版,怎麼能這麼細膩溫柔:)] Passenger. Let Her Go. 第一次聽這首歌前奏才剛下我就決定要翻他了娓娓動人地道出再簡單不過卻總被人 ...

Passenger – Let her go中文翻譯歌詞

Passenger – Let her go中文翻譯歌詞 · 只有當你讓她離開後,才發現你深愛她 · And you let her go · 而你卻就此讓她離開 · Staring at the bottom of your ...

Let Her Go-歌詞- Passenger

Well you only need the light when it's burning low. Only miss the sun when it starts to snow. Only know you love her when you let her go

Let Her Go-歌詞-Passenger (吟遊詩人)

Only know you love her when you let her go. And you let her go. Staring at the bottom of your glass. Hoping one day you'll make a dream last. But dreams come ...

Passenger | Let Her Go (Official Video)

The new album 'All The Little Lights (Anniversary Edition) Out Now from: https://www.passengermusic.com For all things Passenger head to: ...

Passenger - Let Her Go (Lyrics 中英字幕| 中文歌詞)

[Lyrics] Well, you only need the light when it's burning low 好吧你只在燭火燃燒殆盡時才會想到需要光Only miss the sun when it starts to snow ...

Passenger - Let Her Go (Feat. Ed Sheeran

Let Her Go (Feat Ed Sheeran - Anniversary Edition) Stream Now: https://passengermusic.ffm.to/lethergo All The Little Lights ( Anniversary ...

Passenger | Let Her Go (Official Lyric Video)

The new album 'All The Little Lights - Anniversary Edition' is out now and available from https://www.passengermusic.com 'Let Her Go' from ...


〈放手〉(英語:Let Her Go)是英國創作歌手吟遊詩人(本名麥可·羅森伯格)於發行的歌曲,為他第四張專輯《微光滿天(英語:All the Little Lights)》的第二首 ...


這首歌收錄在2012年七月發行的第四張專輯《AllTheLittleLights》,它從荷蘭開始走紅,其過程頗具傳奇性。一位歌迷在咖啡廳裡聽見了這首歌,非常喜歡,不久便寫了封E- ...,[TylerWard唱的cover版,怎麼能這麼細膩溫柔:)]Passenger.LetHerGo.第一次聽這首歌前奏才剛下我就決定要翻他了娓娓動人地道出再簡單不過卻總被人 ...,Passenger–Lethergo中文翻譯歌詞·只有當你讓她離開後,才發現你深愛她·Andyoulethergo·而你卻就此讓她離開...